This is a blog by a bunch of different people all over the country. We are a variety of personalities, and our diversity reflects the many forms of savagery. To read a post by a specific person, just click on that person’s call sign on the right hand side of the main blog.

The blog started out with a bunch of people, but now, it is up the classic Fearsome Foursome to keep the ball rolling and punches coming. We peed on your bushes, bitches.

StoneyWageSlave – a resident of California, a true transplant savage

Roughty McRoughton – a savage Irishman who claims ancient Jersey heritage (a subject of dispute), watch for excessive curliness and wit

Suityourself – a mellow savage, but do not confuse his gentle looks for a gentle tongue

DankNuggets – a sensitive savage, prone to long periods of hibernation and hermitage. If spotted outside in the real world, Dank will usually scuttle to the comfort of darkness, where his dry, cottonmouth eyes can’t be scrutinized by the non-savage masses.

Twitch- the youngest, though oldest, member of SWS comes to use aged gracefully, but not peacefully. Twitch will cross the line, get caught, go back and cross it again, just to piss you off. 

If you are reading this page right now, you are probably the coolest person in the room, unless a bunch of people in your room are reading this page too.

4 Responses to “What’s going on here?”

  1. 1 RoomzbytheHour April 22, 2007 at 9:02 pm

    Alright guys. I want in… d.l.

  2. 3 twitch June 3, 2007 at 9:42 pm

    I can only guess that All this savage talk will lead us to some outcome, possibly revealing the most savage person of all time. What I want to know is what makes you think some hatchet weilding crumble butt should be the judge of whats savage. talk to me after you kill some pedestrians with you’re “toyota corola” Savage, I’ll savage your face. You.

  3. 4 thejamboree October 30, 2007 at 5:34 pm

    “If you are reading this page right now, you are probably the coolest person in the room, unless a bunch of people in your room are reading this page too.”

    Word. I’m alone while reading this, yet somehow typing that instantly makes me feel less cool, though I guess still technically the coolest person in the room.

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